Monday Motivation

Sometimes you need to look at your situation from a different viewpoint to see how far you’ve come. 

Quick story, last month I kayaked through incredibly choppy ocean waters to that tiny little island pictured below, off the coast of Puerto Rico. Once I made it to the island I felt safe, but getting there was terrifying! It wasn’t until I climbed to the top of this mountain that I truly realized what a journey I had made and was grateful to see my journey from a different perspective. 

On top of Palomino Island looking towards Palominito Island

On top of Palomino Island looking towards Palominito Island

Now back to you. Yes, you! Whether you have been at the same job for years or are just starting a new career path, you’re a business owner, a parent, a student or a teacher—wherever you are in life, take a moment right now and look back at how far you’ve come. 

Let me help you appreciate that from a different perspective. Chances are you’ve accomplished things you never imagined doing or maybe you’re right where you planned to be. Either way, it took a lot of work getting there, right?

Give yourself credit for what you've achieved. We get so caught up in our day-to-day activities, we forget to take time out to appreciate how far we’ve come. So here’s your moment. Enjoy it! And now, make this Monday the best one you’ve ever had. 

Shannon P.R.